MathWallet 是 Web3 时代的多链钱包,产品包括 APP 钱包、网页钱包、浏览器插件钱包、硬件钱包等,且支持 BTC、ETH、Polkadot、Filecoin、Solana、BSC等100多个公链,支持去中心化的跨链交易,构建了一个多链的 DApp 生态系统。MathWallet 的投资人包括分布式资本、Alameda Research、Binance Labs、FundamentalLabs、Multicoin Capital、NGC Ventures 、Amber Group、6Eagle等著名区块链投资机构。
What is Archway Triomphe?
Archway is a Cosmos SDK blockchain powered by Tendermint for the networking and consensus layers. The network utilizes modified Cosmos modules to manage the inflation and rewards systems, including:
- Minting - Responsible for minting tokens and managing inflation.
- CosmWasm - A runtime for WebAssembly Smart Contracts.
- Staking - Manages changes to validators.
- Governance - Supports the one-vote-per-token voting and governance system for token holders.
- IBC - Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol that enables asset transfers across Cosmos blockchains.
In addition to using the predefined Cosmos modules, Archways employs two custom modules for additional network features:
- Rewards - Calculates and distributes rewards to smart contracts based on the transaction volume it brings to the network.
- Tracking - Enables the tracking of gas consumption on a per-transaction basis.
Archway creates a Cosmos SDK-based chain with support for WASM smart contract execution that rewards developers for using their deployed smart contracts.