Avail Testnet 钱包

下载麦子钱包 Avail Testnet 支持最主流的区块链。 只有您能够控制自己的资金。 立即在手机和电脑上接收、 发送、 存储和交易您的加密资产!

MATH Tap2Earn MiniApp Launched!


MathWallet 是 Web3 时代的多链钱包,产品包括 APP 钱包、网页钱包、浏览器插件钱包、硬件钱包等,且支持 BTC、ETH、Polkadot、Filecoin、Solana、BSC等100多个公链,支持去中心化的跨链交易,构建了一个多链的 DApp 生态系统。MathWallet 的投资人包括分布式资本、Alameda Research、Binance Labs、FundamentalLabs、Multicoin Capital、NGC Ventures 、Amber Group、6Eagle等著名区块链投资机构。

What is Avail Testnet

Avail aims to accelerate the unification of Web3 using its cutting edge modular technology stack that combines data availability, aggregation, and shared security.

To achieve this, Avail has been building out Avail's Unification Layer, a unifying tech stack starting with the foundational Data Availability (DA) layer, the Nexus unification layer, and Fusion, an additive security layer. Avail stands to anchor the whole Web3 ecosystem with a scalable, cutting edge data availability layer, harnessing validity proofs that leverage KZG Polynomial commitments to ensure immediate and reliable data availability, enabling rollups to grow, connect, stay secure, and adapt.
