MathWallet 是 Web3 时代的多链钱包,产品包括 APP 钱包、网页钱包、浏览器插件钱包、硬件钱包等,且支持 BTC、ETH、Polkadot、Filecoin、Solana、BSC等100多个公链,支持去中心化的跨链交易,构建了一个多链的 DApp 生态系统。MathWallet 的投资人包括分 布式资本、Alameda Research、Binance Labs、FundamentalLabs、Multicoin Capital、NGC Ventures 、Amber Group、6Eagle等著名区块链投资机构。
What is Asset Hub (Polkadot)?
Asset Hub (former Statemint), which is Parity Technologies' parachain for generic assets, is being proposed as one o f the initial "common good" parachains on the Polkadot network. Its purpose is to facilitate the deployment of assets with significantly lower fees compared to other sol utions.
A generic assets chain would enable a user to deploy an asset once they have deposited DOT (or KSM in the case of Kusama). However, in the case of approval from the relay chain governance, an asset could be deployed without a deposit.
Polkadot ensures that accounts have a minimum balance, called an existential depos it (ED), which allows them to continue operating. If an account falls below the ED threshold, then it is deleted in order to prevent low value “dust” accounts building u p.
The Asset Hub (former Statemint) parachain would enable a whole range of entities, from artists issuing NFTs of their work, to CBDTs (Central Bank Digital Tok ens) to have their assets deployed to the Polkadot network.
By allowing users who do not hold DOT or KSM to use these assets, they will be subject to less fricti on and lower fees. Therefore, Asset Hub (former Statemint) can be seen as an excellent use case for becoming one of the first common good parachains.